The Choice Wisdom Podcast
Episode 2/Interview 3
How to replace blame with grace, featuring Dustin Staiger
Dustin is the author of Blame this Book and principal partner at The People Brand, where he works with clients to unearth the essence of their businesses. This empowers their culture to work in harmony with their brand, which attracts their best employees and customers.
Dustin encountered two transformational points in his life where he identified that he could blame “blame” for the outcomes he experienced. But instead of embracing resentment, he chose to research the concept of blame and how it impacts relationships – especially in workplaces – and write a book about it.
Throughout the book, Dustin offers contrarian wisdom that flies in the face of today’s management practices and helps his readers find pragmatic answers to the questions holding them back from being healthier, happier and more profitable. Through this journey, he strengthened his faith – not only in his religious beliefs, but also his faith in himself, his coworkers and humanity-at-large by seeing what was possible.
You can learn more about Dustin and his book at:
And you can connect with Dustin on social media:
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