The Choice Wisdom Podcast
Episode 4
New Choices
Happy new year! We’re almost through the first month of the year. So… how are your new year’s resolutions going? Are you on track to keep them? Did you even make any resolutions?
A recent Forbes/One Poll survey asked Americans what resolutions they planned to make for 2024. Not surprisingly, the top five were:
Improved fitness;
Improved finances;
Improved mental health;
Weight loss; and
Improved diet.
There was an interesting finding in this poll compared to the prior year’s results, in that only 20% of people actually believed they’d hold themselves accountable to their New Year’s Resolution. That was compared to 77% the year before. (Clearly, we have a mindset problem and a lack of hope in staying true to our personal goals this year!)
Episode 4 explores the choices three guests have made to improve their physical and mental well-being, as well as strategies they have used to maintain those promises to themselves over time. Our hope with this podcast is to help you make positive choices - and stick with them!
Jeff Cheatham, PR Pro & Half-Marathon Pace Leader (LinkedIn)
Grace Platon, MarCom Strategist & Yoga Instructor (Website, LinkedIn)
Jane Baldwin, Mindfulness Coach & Creator of The Unwinding Compass (Website, YouTube, LinkedIn)
Bonus link: Box Breathing Primer
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